Our system will only allow you to upload jpg files, these can be jpg, jpeg, JPG or JPEG.
Your image must also be less than 5mb in size and not longer than 1000 pixels on it's longest edge.
Any errors you may get are only ever down to these restrictions, either that your image is not a jpg file or it's just too big in either width or height, or in actual file size. The solution is always really to resize the image and save it as a jpg.
You will also find better quality if your image is at least 140 pixels wide.
jpg is the standard internet format for photographic pictures, provides the best quality and can be seen in all browsers.
However, please note that all images must be suitable for viewing by all. Any image that could be considered unsuitable for viewing by all will result in your listing being deleted.
If you continue to have problems let us know! |